Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated

Lysande legacy-variant av fantastiska Clank! som bjuder på en riktigt unik kampanj för din spelgrupp!

969 kr

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Artikelnummer RGD2037 Kategori Etiketter ,


Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated extends the deck-building fun of Clank! with legacy-style gameplay! Found your own franchise of the legendary adventuring company Acquisitions Incorporated, and shepherd your fledgling treasure-hunters to immortal corporate glory over the course of multiple games. Your game board, your deck, and your world change as you play to create a unique campaign tailored to your adventuring party. Be cunning, be bold, and most importantly be ready…

För 2-4 spelare
90-120 min speltid
Rekommenderad ålder: 13
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