Eldritch Horror: Strange Remnants

Ännu mera ockult smask till Eldritch Horror! Denna expansion innehåller 4 nya utredare, en ny stygg Ancient One och 86 nya kort som bland annat låter spelarna utforska platser som Påsköarna, Stonehenge och Chichen Itza!

229 kr

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Artikelnummer FEH04 Kategori Etiketter ,


In Strange Remnants, you and your fellow investigators travel to the haunted ruins of massive stone monuments across the world. You must learn the secrets of these ruins and perform the requisite rituals before the cosmos aligns against you, an evil portal opens in the center of the universe, and the entire Earth is devoured.

The new Mystic Ruins deck featured in this expansion allows investigators to explore Chichen Itza, the Easter Islands, Stonehenge and the Great Wall of China. New Glamour Spells and RelicUnique Assets offer you powerful tools in the struggle against a new Ancient One, and four more hardy investigators dedicate their lives to saving the human race. Four additional Prelude Cards introduce fresh scenarios and quests, transforming your games of Eldritch Horror.

Strange Remnants includes:

  • One Rulesheet
  • An Ancient One and accompanying Mythos and Mystery Cards
  • Four Investigator Sheets and Tokens
  • 86 Location, Other World, Special, and Mystic Ruins Encounter Cards
  • Numerous Assets, Conditions, Spells, and Monsters

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