Pandemic New Edition

Ny utgåva med två helt nya roller och tjusiga komponenter av ett av världens mest älskade samarbetsspel där spelarna tillsammans hindrar dödliga virus från att utplåna mänskligheten! Svensk utgåva.

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Artikelnummer LAU158-1 Kategorier , Etiketter , ,


After five years of Pandemic, hundreds of thousands of players have been contracted the virus! To celebrate this milestone, Pandemic has been completely re-designed. With new artwork by Chris Quilliams (Clash of Cultures, Merchants & Marauders), Pandemic will now have a more modern look, inside and outside the box. With two new characters: the Contingency Planner and the Quarantine Specialist, face the game in ways you never thought possible. Brand new challenges are waiting for you!

Becoming researchers and doctors has really hit a cord with players from all around the world. The idea that popped into Matt Leacock’s head one day has now spread like a virus, faster than he had ever anticipated. Pandemic is one of the most successful games of the new game generation and the reference when it comes to co-op games. Since its release, Pandemic has sold hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide, and has been translated into 14 languages

För 2-4 spelare
60 min speltid
Rekommenderad ålder: 10
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