Quarriors! Quartifacts

Fjärde expansionen till Quariors men också den bästa! Fulladdad med nya Quests, varelser och spells!

289 kr

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Artikelnummer WZK71027 Kategori Etiketter ,


In Quarriors! Quartifacts – the fourth expansion set for the Quarriors! dice-building game – all of Quaxos’ magical items have gone missing and you, mighty Quarrior that you are, must take it upon yourself (with the help of your trusted Squire) to find them!

Quest cards are available in the Wilds for you to send your Creatures to capture the all-new LARGER Quest dice that wield unimaginable power. (No, seriously, we have no idea what these things do.) Quarriors! Quartifacts includes five new Creatures and two new Spells, in addition to a new Basic card (the Squire), twelve Quest cards, and six Quest dice.

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