“And they will rise from their graves to march upon the world of the living. Each and every mortal that falls will swell their numbers until only a world of darkness remains. Only then will the world know of the eternal order that lies within the peace of Undeath.”
–Taken from The Grimoire Necronium, chapter XII, The book of Wsoran
Legions of Darkness introduces a terrifying array of fifty-one new heroes and units, as well as new command cards and other resources designed to bolster the game’s forces of Destruction. The Dark Elves and Skaven each gain a hero and enough units to form a regiment, but the expansion’s most fearsome threat comes in the form of its new Vampire Counts heroes and units, as well as the Fear and Reanimate X keywords they bear.
Legions of Darkness features enough dread necromancy to tempt even the most casual of players with the awesome powers available to those who can manipulate the very essences of life and death. Vampire Counts command cards heavily reward Casters, as do those for the Dark Elves, Skaven, Orcs, and Chaos.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A Warhammer: Diskwars core set is required to play.